improvement seeker

Icons/solid/beacher 0 xp
Icons/solid/euro 40 K€ yearly
Icons/solid/globe europe africa France 🇫🇷

About me

Hello to all fellow Lapidaries (gems collector :p),
During my previous job, I inadvertently came across coding, which led me to a change in my career path. At Le Wagon bootcamp, I learned and practiced on Ruby, Rails, JS, stimulus, css, bootstrap Heroku, SQL, PostgreSQL, Git & GitHub and made two group projects. The first one was a marketplace for J.K Rowling's fantastic beasts (airbnb like), the second was a 2 players online escape game. My main tasks on this project were real time interaction between the two players with 'action cable' as well as the transitions and animations where I used CSS and JS.
I am now searching for a Junior Fullstack Web Developer position, not just looking to work but also to learn and progress continuously, in an environment focused on lean management.

Work preferences

Actively looking
Icons/solid/briefcase Onsite

Type of roles

🎯 Full time job