About Ruby on Rails Jobs

Jeanro founder of Ruby on Rails Jobs
Jeanro founder of Ruby On Rails Jobs

Hi 👋 I am Jeanro. I am a Ruby on Rails developer and recruiter. I created this job board to help companies and developers to find each other.

Why Ruby on Rails Jobs ?

  1. The Ruby community is made up of such cool people that it's a pleasure to have regular contact with the developers.
  2. I am far from being an amazing dev. So I can hardly help the community by contributing on open source... it would be a disaster 😂. On the other hand, I have been in the order: Sales, Founder, Recruiter and Dev, so I can at least help the developers find their next Job. And help companies to find the rare pearl.
  3. When you're a Ruby on Rails dev, you ❤️ Ruby. We don't want to change to other languages ​​or frameworks. When I looked for my 1st Job, I unsuccessfully googled a way to only have jobs on Rails, Ruby or at worst Sinatra. I couldn't find it so I coded it.

How does it work ?

First, by offering a Job Board dedicated to Ruby / Ruby On Rails. You will find Permanent roles, internships, or Freelance missions. All updated almost daily. Do not hesitate to create an alert to receive the latest offers every day.

Then, you also have access to the list of companies using Rails as main Framework. Even if they have no Jobs or open missions (nothing prevents you from making spontaneous applications).

J'ai créer un Reverse Job Board te permettant de te créer un profil et de recevoir directement les offres de recruteurs. L'objectif est de laisser les recruteurs venir à toi et être super clair sur tes critères de salaire, remote ou pas, etc.

I created a Reverse Job Board allowing you to create a profile and receive offers directly from recruiters. The goal is to let recruiters come to you and be super clear about your salary criteria, remote or not, etc.

Update of freelance or permanent Ruby dev offers?

I try to be as up to date as possible on job offers on an (almost) daily basis. I search Welcome To The Jungle, Linkedin, Indeed, Twitter and different Slack & Discord communities for offers and add them so you don't have to do it yourself. More and more companies post their own offers on the site.

If your company is recruiting Ruby devs, don't hesitate to post your mission or your job on the site. It's free and it allows you to reference your box with the Ruby community.

Ruby on Rails Jobs values

  1. Helping devs at all stages of their career. you can contact me directly by email if you need help finding a job, a mission or an internship.
  2. Do everything publicly and transparently. I discovered the concept of open startup which I find cool. Basically, to avoid the startup bullshit, I share the metrics of revenue, margin, the number of subscribers directly in the blog or by consulting the page analytics.
  3. Share recruiting revenue with developers. Basically, if a comapnies pays me a commission for a recruitment, I pay the recruited dev 25% of the amount I receive.

Business Model

Free for developers

For companies:
  • Companies can reference their startup and post freelance offers, permanent roles, partime, internships for free.
  • 90€ / month to have access to the list of Ruby devs, contact them directly and appear at the top of the list of results.
  • 6000 € (success fees) for a complete recruitment service. I take care of everything: from writing the job description, selecting candidates, negotiating the salary, technical test...