
3 plans to promote your job post

We offer a free job board, a directory of developers and recruitment services. Our goal is to make it easier to recruit Ruby on Rails developers.



Get started
  • Icons/checkmark Post 1 job for 30 days
  • Icons/checkmark Get your company in the list
  • Icons/checkmark Your jobs will appear in the email alerts
  • Icons/checkmark Applications are handled in app

Self serve

290 € /month

Buy now
  • Icons/checkmark Post unlimited jobs
  • Icons/checkmark Access developer directory
  • Icons/checkmark Your job & company are featured (on top of the list)
  • Icons/checkmark Personalized support for your recruitments

Recruitment services

10% Of the annual salary split into 12 monthly payments

Contact us
  • Icons/checkmark Self serve plan +
  • Icons/checkmark Dedicated recruitment manager
  • Icons/checkmark Head hunting service
  • Icons/checkmark Off-market candidates

Hiring platform 100% dedicated to Ruby

Job Applications
Uniq Visits
Active Job Alert

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about plans? You will find the answers here. But if you need help, don't hesitate to contact me by email

What price for Ruby on Rails devs?
Free for Ruby devs.
What is the difference between the premium plan and the recruitment service?
The premium plan is self-serve and allows you to promote your jobs, access developer contact information... With the recruitment service, I take care of everything for you. I source the best candidates, I technically validate the candidates and you pay the fees once the candidate is in place.
Can I pay annually?
Yes, you can pay annually and get a 10% discount. Contact Jeanro to arrange payment.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time from your personal space. You will lose access to premium plan features at the end of the billing period but you can still promote your jobs for free.
I am looking for another technology, is it possible?
You need to use Ruby on Rails to promote your jobs on this site. I delete jobs posted on other frameworks. If you are looking for a developer on another technology, contact Jeanro to discuss it.
Can I download the list of developers?
The feature is under development. Contact Jeanro for a CSV export.
I have a lot of Jobs to publish on the site, is it possible?
Yes, as long as they are relatively different.
I'm not a dev, can I have a hand?
With pleasure, I can help you create your job description, find the best candidates and create an efficient recruitment process. Contact Jeanro to discuss.