Front-end / Full-stack Ruby on Rails developer

Icons/solid/beacher 0 xp
Remote or Bordeaux
Icons/solid/euro 40 K€ yearly
Icons/solid/globe europe africa France 🇫🇷

About me

Hi 👋

Always curious and eager to learn, I enjoy working with ambitious and talented people to deliver best-class products and meaningful experiences.
I previously worked as Product Manager.

🎯 I’m looking for a Front-end /Full Stack developer opportunity and eager to contribute to the team's success through hard work, collaboration, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills.
👨🏽‍💻 Thanks to my side projects and Le Wagon Bootcamp, I do master Ruby on Rails, JavaScript (Vanilla & Stimulus JS), Ruby, Sass/Tailwind/Bootstrap.
🌱 I’m currently learning React/Next through the implementation of a side project.

Work preferences

Actively looking
Icons/solid/briefcase Remote or Onsite

Type of roles

🎯 Full time job